£187.00 GBP

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Run Faster, Run Better - Online Coaching Program [Pay Monthly]

Running Coaching tailored to YOUR needs!!

Alternative payment option available: Pay In Full <click for more info>

The BE Fit Coach Run Faster, Run Better - Online Coaching Program is a comprehensive approach for those who want to run at their best.

Is This You?

  • You want to improve your running performance
  • You want to be able to run faster but don't know how to do it effectively
  • You worry about getting injured if you start training harder
  • You already have a history of injury when you try to push yourself (and you worry about making things worse)

I Get It.

This is how I felt for YEARS back when I started my running journey (over 20 years ago) before I said "screw this! - I'm going to learn how to do this more effectively."

I finally learned about all the important aspects of improving my running so that I could run faster and further without picking up even more injuries.

I designed the Run Faster, Run Better - Online Coaching Program to fit your individual needs and to push you effectively to achieve your best running performance.  Our programs are structured to include all 7 of our Core Pillars of Running to ensure you develop FULLY along your running journey.

Please note, if you're looking for a quick fix approach to your running or a program that will push you without managing your workload effectively (aiming for performance at the expense of injury), then this program is absolutely not for you!

This Coaching Program is about more than just pushing you to run faster...

It's about developing all of the body systems involved in running so that develop speed and endurance...

It's about helping you optimise your running technique so that you improve WITHOUT risking injury...

It's about improving both your strength and mobility so that you can use your body effectively for running...

It's about helping you learn about effective rest and recovery to allow your body to be ready for each and every session...

It's about teaching you how to eat in a way that supports your running goals...

And, it's about getting control of your mindset to ensure you can perform at your best!

We offer our Run Faster, Run Better - Online Coaching Program as a 20-Week coached running experience where you will work directly with your running coach through weekly video calls, where you will discuss your progress against the plan, any issues you are experiencing, and regular check-ins on your goals.  The program is available as a single payment option (9% saving on pay monthly) or a 5 x monthly payment option.

What Clients Are Saying:

The improvements in my performance and strength are clear to see, and less injuries which was really important to me.

Jamie D

Would definitely recommend Barrie as a running coach. I have had 4 sessions with Barrie now, he is training us to run our very first London marathon in October. I would not class myself as a runner so Barrie certainly has his work cut out. Barrie is very encouraging and pushing us a little bit further every time, to reach our goal. Barrie is also super encouraging outside of our sessions, sending running plans, strength and mobility sessions and checking in with us during the week. We have seen massive improvements already. I have full confidence in Barrie and if anyone can get us to crossing that finish line than I know Barrie will. 💪Thank you Barrie. Highly recommended!

Lynda R

I know I would not have achieved these levels without Barrie’s coaching and the amazing support and motivation you get from him.

Sian M