£395.00 GBP

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The Run B.E.T.T.E.R. Method (Live Coached Session)

Become the best runner you can be, starting with great technique

What you'll get:

  • Postural Analysis

  • Balance, joint mobility/stability, & range of motion tests

  • Video-based running analysis (to analyse technique and look for weaknesses, restrictions, and areas for development)

  • Basic strength & endurance tests (running specific)

  • Full follow-up report provided

Whatever your concern, this comprehensive running assessment will enable you to break down and analyse all aspects of your running technique and to create a plan to address all of your weaknesses.

What People Are Saying:

I knew something was not right about how I run and simply want to be a better and more confident runner, the report made it clear on the areas of improvement which were focused which made it clear for me.

Jamie D