Hello, I'm Barrie Evans.


I fell in love with running back in the late 90's when I realised that I no longer recognised my reflection in the mirror.  Over the years that followed, I realised just how much it meant to me to see other runners improve with my support and guidance - from there my running coaching journey began...

My Story


When I first started running regularly, I was always running with faster runners who seemed to make it look effortless.  They would be chatting constantly during the runs, whereas I was barely able to breathe never mind talk.  At the end of the runs, they would have hardly broken a sweat, and I looked like I had been standing in the shower with my clothes on.

I knew that if I really wanted to get better at this running thing, then I needed to learn more about how to do it properly.  Everything I had been doing (pushing myself harder, running further, ...) seemed like the obvious way to improve but something wasn't working.

Over the next couple of years, I became really interested in running and how to do it better.  I studied and read everything I could get my hands on.  I tested out what I was reading, and then started to introduce my own theories to my running.

Over time, more and more runners (and non-runners) started approaching me asking for help on their running journeys.  Initially, it was mainly beginners who wanted to get started, usually to lose weight, but over time more experienced runners also started asking for help with their training.  In the early days, I felt like a fraud...  Who was I to be helping all these runners improve?  Why are they asking me?  I had major Imposter Syndrome!

In those early days, it was more about coming up with effective training sessions.  Then over time, I started to get more interested in running technique, then mobility work, and then strength training for runners.  These days my running programs contain a very effective blend of all these elements as I help runners become the best they can be whilst staying as injury-free as possible.


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