There are any number of "usual" reasons why you may not already be running at your best - just ask on a running forum/group and you'll be flooded with opinions from everywhere ππ¬π. So I would like to offer a different approach.
We live in a world of quick fixes and instant gratification. Promises of unbelievable and dramatic results are everywhere (usually endorsed by celebrities or influencers).
Even the popular NHS Couch to 5k (C25K) app is somewhat misleading in its claims to get you running 5km by the end of the 8-week program (what it actually does is get you to 30 mins, which can be 5km if you run at an average of 9:40 min/mile - not something that the majority of beginners can achieve in my experience). Spoiler alert: That's actually one of the main reasons my own beginners coaching programs take a different approach!
For some people, short term programs may be appropriate, but not for the general population (at least not in my personal experience or experience with clients anyway). These short term programs aren't enough to provide any real sustainable change that will last in the long run (no pun intended π).
If it was that easy, then we'd be smashing our running goals already - you wouldn't be reading this and I'd be out of a job π².
So, instead, here are my thoughts on the 6 alternative reasons why you may not already be running at your best.
Reason #1 - Fighting against a lifetime of deep-seated habits
Habitual behaviours have a purpose – whether you know it or not – and they fit perfectly into your life. These habits may be coping mechanisms, and if you take them away abruptly, everything falls apart. These could be anything from the way you move your body when running, to the way you typically sit during the day. Or even your food choices and the reasons for those choices.
Instead, when making changes in your running (or any life area for that matter), always be aware of unwanted/unexpected side effects. For example, if you are trying to change an aspect of your running technique such as foot strike, be aware of noticing problems upstream in your knees and hips.
Reason #2 - Putting our real life on hold for short periods
We can all put things on hold for short periods, especially when motivation is high, but what happens in a few weeks when the realities of your everyday life have to become a priority again? Do you stay as motivated and as "on it" as you were at the start?
Instead, don't put normal life on hold, work out how to incorporate the changes you want into your life so that they become the new normal.
Reason #3 - Injuries result from doing too much too soon
Often these quick-fix solutions will involve significant increases in running, but what happens when your sudden burst of motivation to "get running" results in an injury from over-doing things, trying to do too much too soon? Suddenly you're back at the start, and now with your injury to recover from.
Instead, ensure your training plan (whether that's running, strength, cardio, anything) takes a progressive approach to increasing training intensity. Monitor your body throughout and don't be afraid to adjust if something doesn't feel right (trust your body).
Reason #4 - Change is hard!
Change can bring up all sorts of problems. Motivation can take a massive dive during times of managing change - "how am I supposed to keep it up with all this going on?".
Instead, be kind to yourself and accept that sometimes plans need to change, or maybe they just need a bit of adjustment. Be clear about your priorities, but also check in with yourself that you are not self-sacrificing or self-sabotaging.
Reason #5 - You reach a plateau in your results
You feel like you're pushing yourself but not seeing any change in your running performance. It's the same as when you eat less but don't see any movement on the scales. It's can be very frustrating.
Instead, it's not just about training harder, you need to train smarter. Look at your training program and check that it covers the 7 Core Pillars of Running (see "So what does work?" below).
Reason #6 - Major life events happen
Deaths, births, house moves, job changes, even pandemics, and many other unexpected events can throw you out of your routine and into a world of unfamiliarity. These events can be extremely challenging and take you into unchartered territory. I know this all too well after my own experience of my 20-year old daughter's suicide at the end of 2019. That resulted in a 2-year delay to BE Fit Coach being launched, and my own running training still not getting back to previous levels.
Instead, in the same way as "managing change", be kind to yourself. It's not always the best option to try and fight your way through adversity at full speed. Sometimes it's better to recognise that taking a step back and removing some of the pressure is a better option.
So what does work?
Go beyond quick fixes. Choose a training approach that covers all the necessary areas - we call these the "7 Core Pillars of Running" - you can read more about these on our home page (I will write a blog post about these soon). Also, ensure you are absolutely clear on your goals and your reason for wanting these goals. Do the work to remove any barriers, whether they are physical, mental or emotional.
Just a quick note on short term programs
Don't get me wrong, short terms programs do have their place and are suitable for specific goals, or sometimes as a quick start to get you going on a longer-term program.
How can BE Fit Coach help you?
We have a range of services that can ensure you are training in an optimum way for you! We are all individuals, with unique and sometimes challenging lives, so choose a training solution that works with you, for you.
At BE Fit Coach, we are constantly working on developing new programs and courses. If you'd like to ensure you are kept up-to-date then I definitely recommend joining our email list (below) as that is where all new announcements are made first!
Chat again soon,
PS - Leave a comment down below to let me know whether any of these are affecting your running...
PPS - This blog post was updated on 05-May-22 to reflect a change to our "Pillars of Running". The 6 pillars have now been updated to 7 to incorporate the all-important area of "MINDSET". Previously this had been treated as an overarching category on its own but we now firmly believe it is so fundamental that it belongs as one of the pillars.
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