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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Running?

beginners coaching improving mental prep performance pre-run training Jul 20, 2022


  • Do you find yourself having goals or objectives but never actually achieving them?
  • Do you find yourself drifting off track and not really knowing why?
  • If you're not moving (however slowly) in the direction of your goals then you can be sure that you are self-sabotaging in some way!
  • Self-sabotage is the outward expression/manifestation of our internal feelings of shame, anger, or not being "good enough"
  • Use the action steps suggested in this week's video to help you start along that journey to eliminating self-sabotage from your life
  • Self-sabotage comes under the 7th Core Pillar of Running - "Mindset" which is always included as a key component of our Running Coaching Programs

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Full Transcript

[The following is the full transcript of this episode of the BE Fit Coach "Let's Talk Running" show.  Please note that this episode, like all LTR episodes, is usually unscripted and unedited and features Barrie talking about a subject that we believe runners will find useful and interesting.]

I am talking specifically about running here, but this could equally be true for any area of your life. Consider the question - “Are you currently moving in the direction you say you want to be going with your running/weight/career/relationships/finances/health/etc?”.

If you’re not, then you can be sure that you are sabotaging yourself somewhere along the way!

Hey runners, I’m Barrie Evans, the owner and creator of BE Fit Coach where I focus on providing the best quality running assessment and coaching programs that work with you as an individual runner.

In the rest of this short video, I am going to be talking about how we self-sabotage and give you some suggestions on how to change things around so that you can get out of your own way.

Do you ever find yourself deciding that your going to do something different, like hit a new PB on a particular distance, or get down to a certain weight to make your running feel easier? And do you then end up not really changing anything and never achieving your goal?

If you answered “yes”, then the chances are that you are self-sabotaging somewhere along the way.

There are many different ways in which we sabotage ourselves, such as unhealthy behaviours or limiting thought patterns and beliefs about ourselves. Whatever it is we are doing, it diminishes the energy and enthusiasm that we had for the thing we started with, our dream, our goal.

The self-sabotage you are experiencing is an outward manifestation of your own internal feelings of shame, anger or unworthiness. At the end of the day, we will only create as much success as we feel worthy of having, so if you don’t already have it, you can be sure that on some level you don’t believe you deserve it.

Look at how the inner saboteur is operating your life by choosing a life area and asking yourself “What do I get out of NOT thriving in this area?”. It may sound like an odd question, but we are always getting something out of it. As we say in NLP, Every behaviour has a positive intention, our job here is to find out what that is.

You may discover that you don’t actually expect to succeed in this area of your life, and those negative beliefs that you have are helping you prove yourself right. We’ll often do anything to prove ourselves right, even if it means missing out on our goals and dreams.

If you want to put an end to self-sabotage so that you can move forward in the way you actually want your life to go, then try these action steps to give you a start.

Firstly, make a list of 3-5 things that you are doing to sabotage yourself and be brutally honest! Then identify things you could do to stop them from limiting your success. For example, if you find yourself losing the motivation to run because you think people you’ll see when you're out will be laughing at you, try going out anyway and pay close attention to the reactions of everyone you see - believe that they will have a positive experience of you and you’ll prove yourself right.

Finally, as you make a list of these 3-5 new action steps, practices or tasks, choose one that you can accomplish today. And then go do it!

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It’s been great having the opportunity to share some further tips with you and I look forward to sharing more with you next week. Until then, bye for now.

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