In my previous blog post (5 Common Problems You Can Avoid Using Your Pre-Run Checklist), I talked about what you can do as part of your pre-run checklist to avoid hitting upon some of the common problems that I have experienced over my years of running. There was one embarrassing item I left off that list and I’m going to cover it today…. Pooping!
Have you ever been out on a run and suddenly realised that you need the loo? At first, it might just be an early warning sign, a little rumble in your belly maybe, but things just jiggled about quite a lot when running and that rumble can very quickly turn into a much stronger feeling!
Depending on where you are at this point, you may have an easy option of getting home and relieving yourself. Or maybe you’re close to a public toilet or a friend's house - great! Lucky you…
My fiancée, Siân, was one of those lucky ones (although it was a very close call) when she got caught short whilst we were out for a run one day after eating spicy food the night before. It even inspired her to create a video post about it so I thought I’d share it with you π
We’re not always that lucky though!
Sometimes, we’re nowhere near getting to a toilet! So what do we do then? Well if you’re lucky enough to be out in nature and can find a quiet spot, well I’m sure you can work out what to do - and this is where your pre-run checklist comes in handy. I always ensure (read to the end to find out why) that I check if I have some biodegradable wipes in my running pouch BEFORE I head out the door.
We’re not always lucky enough to be out in nature though and depending on how bad the urges are, we may get very publicly caught short. This was the very famous experience of Paula Radcliffe during a marathon along crowd lined public roads, and it was also the unfortunate experience of the lady I passed on the Swansea Half Marathon a few years ago - as they say, “Shit happens”.
The other pre-run checklist suggestion here is to ensure you “try” to go before you head out on your run. It is also useful if you run at a particular time of day, to help your body clock to adjust to ensure you are likely to have “cleared out” well before you head out.
The final pre-run checklist idea here is to think about what you are eating in the hours before a run. As in Sian’s video earlier, for some people, spicy food the night before a run is seriously not a good idea (she hasn’t done that since).
Okay, so I did mention earlier that I would share my own experiences of getting caught short on a run, and it has happened twice in my 20+ years of running. Both times I was lucky enough to be out in nature but unlucky enough that both times I was actually out with running clients π.
The first time it happened I wasn’t carrying any paper or wipes to use so had to resort to nature's toilet paper - leaves. Be careful though, as the experience of one of my running clients taught me when he accidentally used a nettle leaf, which somehow stayed in place (you can guess where) until we finished the run.
After that first experience I now always carry biodegradable wet toilet wipes in a plastic bag inside my running pouch. If you don’t want to leave the wipes at the scene of the “event”, then you can use the plastic bag (black dog poo bags are a great option) to carry the evidence away to a bin instead.
I wish I could say that the first experience was also my last, but unfortunately, the wipes I had now started carrying were needed on a run just a few years later (man was I glad to have those wipes with me that day!).
Even with the best of pre-run prep, we can still get caught out so think about what you could carry with you in case you ever need it.
Good luck, and don’t let my experiences scare you - with a bit of pre-run planning and preparation you can be prepared for almost any eventuality.
Are you brave enough to share your own story with us? What running-related toilet incidents have you experienced? Let me know in the comments, or send me an email at [email protected], I'd love to hear from you.
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