Whether you're thinking about taking up running for the first time, or you're a seasoned regular, there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to heading out for a run.
Some things might seem obvious, but others we only learn through experience.
I am writing this series of articles (called the "Top Tips for Runners (TTfR) Series") over the coming weeks to hopefully help you avoid some of those learning through experience ones - they are not always pleasant experiences, so if I can help you avoid some of them, then I'll be a happy coach.
So "what will you be covering Barrie?" I hear you ask (you've read this far, so I'm guessing you'd like to know). Well, check out my infographic below with a breakdown of the main topic areas (each will have at least one upcoming article associated with it).
Click here to download a PDF copy instead...
This is never going to be a "one size fits all" series, but hopefully, it will be comprehensive enough to provide something for everyone!
Is there anything you think I've missed, or that you would like to see included? Let me know (in the comments, or send me an email - [email protected]), I'd love to hear from you.
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Knowing what to look for when buying a running shoe will make the experience a lot faster and easier.
You will be able to choose your next shoes with confidence and you'll know that you are working on allowing your feet to be used as nature intended.
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