When choosing running shoes, there is often a lot of confusion around exactly what you need to buy.
The running shoe market is saturated with different brands, models, shoe types, cushioning materials, etc... and that's before you even get started on things like heel drop, shoe weight, colour, material, and several other factors.
I'm often asked what shoes I recommend, and the simple answer is:
"Choose running shoes that feel so good when you put them on that you don't even feel like you're wearing them!"
If that's enough for you then you can stop reading here, but if you're interested in a bit more detail then I recommend reading on...
A lot of runners I speak to or coach have at some point visited a specialist running shoe shop so that they can get a gait analysis to ensure they are "correctly fitted" with the right shoe type for their running style.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of these places are doing a great job of identifying what's wrong with your running gait (please note, unfortunately, there are also some less reputable places). However, I disagree with the need to use a particular shoe type as a solution to the problem.
The reason that your gait analysis is suggesting that you need a special shoe type or inserts or both is that there is an existing issue in your movement patterns that stops you from running with a neutral gait. So instead of sticking a plaster over the issue (by using a shoe that "corrects" your gait to be more neutral), address the reasons that you're not running like that to start with!
So the question then changes from "What shoe do I need for my running style?", to "What do I need to do to run with a neutral gait?".
To further support this, research shows that choosing a running shoe based on foot type has no impact on injury rates among runners.
For example, a study* carried out by the US military on “Factors Influencing RunningRelated Musculoskeletal Injury Risk Among U.S. Military Recruits” concluded that:
“Footwear interventions should focus on proper fit and comfort; the evidence does not support running shoe prescription per foot type to reduce injury risk among recruits”
Another study** carried out with UK Royal Air Force recruits going through Basic Military Training (BMT) on the “Effect on injuries of assigning shoes based on foot shape in air force basic training” concluded that:
“Assigning running shoes based on the shape of the plantar surface had little influence on injury risk in BMT even after controlling for other injury risk factors”
Before the 1970s, all runners were using flat neutral shoes and the introduction of the huge variety of running footwear that has flooded the running shoe market does not appear to be changing the injury rate among runners.
So how about that question of "What do I need to do to run with a neutral gait?"...
Well to understand that we at BE Fit Coach recommend a full running screening assessment such as our "The Run B.E.T.T.E.R. Method", where we complete a number of assessments on your posture, joint and muscle mobility and range of motion, running-related strength, and video analysis of your actual running technique.
A comprehensive analysis such as "The Run B.E.T.T.E.R. Method" will provide you with a complete breakdown of any limitations and weaknesses that may be affecting your running style. Armed with this information you can then work on addressing these areas and get your body working optimally.
Don't just take my word for it though. Jamie completed a full running assessment with BE Fit Coach before embarking on a coached training program, here is what he had to say:
"Barrie also provides you with plans to work on at home for strength and stability, these are gold and if you take nothing else from the coaching take note of these, my calf issues are all but gone, I no longer wear insoles or knee supports and will continue with these plans ongoing."
But what do you do whilst you are working on implementing any changes? The same as we recommend to all runners looking for their next running shoes:
"Choose running shoes that feel so good when you put them on that you don't even feel like you're wearing them!"
You can find out more about our approach to buying your running shoes in our FREE guide which you can download here: https://www.be-fit-coach.co.uk/7-steps-to-buying-your-next-running-shoe-opt-in
Chat again soon,
PS - Leave a comment down below to let me know about your own experiences of buying running shoes and addressing any problems you have experienced with your running gait.
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Knowing what to look for when buying a running shoe will make the experience a lot faster and easier.
You will be able to choose your next shoes with confidence and you'll know that you are working on allowing your feet to be used as nature intended.
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