Let's Talk Running
Runners often don’t take advantage of the tech they are carrying with them, which makes managing and tracking their sessions, particularly interval sessions, more difficult than they need to be. You already have to focus on your running, breathing, maintaining form, etc;...
If you've ever experienced a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain, strain, or a pull; you have probably been advised to follow the R.I.C.E. protocol. Or at least, the "I" component of that, which stands for Ice, i.e. to put ice on the affected areas as soon as possible and at regular...
You make a decision to improve your running and pay for a program, or for coaching, but how do you know it's working? How do you know it was worth the investment in time, effort and money?
Most people will follow a plan and then check at the end if it's made a difference by...
Easy runs are an important part of your running training and should not be underestimated. They provide a number of benefits that I outline in this week's video. The 6 key areas covered are summarised below. Easy runs help to:
- Build Injury Resistance - spend time...
- Most runners will experience a mental block on their "real" capabilities (and it's not just runners that do this, everyone does)
- How do you learn to push through that mental block and shift your mindset?
- You train your body hard, so why not do the same for your mind?
- Breaking through...
- Do you find yourself having goals or objectives but never actually achieving them?
- Do you find yourself drifting off track and not really knowing why?
- If you're not moving (however slowly) in the direction of your goals then you can be sure that you are self-sabotaging in some...
- Getting good quality sleep is fundamental to your ability to recover from exercise. You can't expect your body to be at it's best if you don't!
- Great sleep starts with a great morning routine - see How To Get Better Quality Sleep (Part 1 of 3)
- A pre-sleep routine can get you...
- How can a pre-sleep routine help you to get better quality sleep?
- How working to improve your sleep along a scale of "worse" to "better" is all you need - you don't need to fix everything now!
- 11 suggestions for an effective pre-sleep routine
- Check out our Running Coaching Programs in...
- What does getting "better quality sleep" really mean?
- The path to great quality sleep starts in the morning (strange, eh!?)
- 4 steps to an effective morning routine
- Check out our Running Coaching Programs in our Online Store
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- Sleep is THE most important part of our body's recovery process and a lack of good quality sleep could be ruining your running training and performance
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- Motivation is a key part of Pillar #7 (Mindset) of the BE Fit Coach 7 Core Pillars of Running
- We can motivated both towards, and away from things
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Knowing what to eat and drink before a run can be a concern for some runners. Some of the typical questions I get from running clients are:
- Should I eat to have energy for a run, or is it better to run “fasted”?
- Could eating before a run give me a stitch?
- What’s best for...