Let's Talk Running

10 Problems That Feel Like a Stitch But Aren’t beginners improving nutrition performance post-run problems top tips training Sep 28, 2022


It's all too easy to misinterpret abdominal pain when running as being the dreaded stitch but there are a number of other problems that can feel like a stitch.


  • The stitch runners can experience when running does not yet have a conclusive explanation (in last week's blog, we...
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6 Most Likely Causes Of A Stitch (According To Research) beginners mobility nutrition performance problems top tips Sep 21, 2022


The technical term for a stitch is Exercise-related Transient Abdominal Pain (EATP), and although a significant amount of research has been carried out over the last 2 decades, the exact cause is still unknown.


  • Getting a "stitch" is one of the most common complaints amongst...
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WARNING: Here’s What Every Runner Needs To Know Before Using R.I.C.E. To Treat Injuries! beginners coaching improving mobility nutrition performance post-run problems rest & recovery top tips training Sep 07, 2022


If you've ever experienced a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain, strain, or a pull; you have probably been advised to follow the R.I.C.E. protocol. Or at least, the "I" component of that, which stands for Ice, i.e. to put ice on the affected areas as soon as possible and at regular...

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5 Signs Lack Of Sleep Could Be Sabotaging Your Running beginners coaching improving mental prep nutrition performance post-run pre-run problems rest & recovery top tips Jun 22, 2022


  • Sleep is THE most important part of our body's recovery process and a lack of good quality sleep could be ruining your running training and performance
  • A lack of good quality sleep can have profound effects on all areas of your life
  • Sleep is always covered in pillar #5 (Rest &...
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Run Fuelled Or Fasted? beginners coaching improving nutrition performance pre-run top tips training Jun 08, 2022

Knowing what to eat and drink before a run can be a concern for some runners.  Some of the typical questions I get from running clients are:

  • Should I eat to have energy for a run, or is it better to run “fasted”?
  • Could eating before a run give me a stitch?
  • What’s best for...
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Oh Sh*t! What Happens If You REALLY Need To Go Poop? beginners coaching nutrition performance pre-run problems top tips training May 25, 2022

In my previous blog post (5 Common Problems You Can Avoid Using Your Pre-Run Checklist), I talked about what you can do as part of your pre-run checklist to avoid hitting upon some of the common problems that I have experienced over my years of running. There was one embarrassing item I left off...

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7 Core Pillars of Running - Hint: It's Not Just About Getting The Miles In! improving mobility nutrition performance rest & recovery strength technique training Apr 19, 2022

We've already mentioned it in the previous blog post "6 Alternative Reasons You're Not Already Running At Your Best" where we briefly covered training smarter, not harder!

The 7 Core Pillars of Running are what we believe to be the absolutely fundamental elements of a successful running...

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