Let's Talk Running

How to confidently use your Garmin to track running sessions (even if you hate technology) beginners coaching improving performance post-run tech training Sep 14, 2022


Runners often don’t take advantage of the tech they are carrying with them, which makes managing and tracking their sessions, particularly interval sessions, more difficult than they need to be.  You already have to focus on your running, breathing, maintaining form, etc;...

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Be safe! Looking after your personal safety whilst out running beginners coaching mental prep pre-run problems tech top tips training Jun 01, 2022

Going out running can be scary enough, especially when you are first starting out, but it can also be a worrying experience for even the more experienced runner.

I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about people getting lost when they’ve taken a wrong turn or have had an accident...

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What's On Your Pre-Run Checklist? How To Plan & Prepare [TTfR Series] beginners coaching mental prep performance pre-run tech top tips training May 11, 2022

Last week, I introduced the Top Tips for Runners (TTfR) Series with an infographic showing the main topic areas that I will be covering in the weeks/months ahead.  If you haven't seen it. you can check out the blog post here>> ...

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So Much to Consider! "Top Tips for Runners (TTfR) Series" [Infographic] beginners coaching improving mental prep post-run pre-run problems running shoes tech top tips training warm-up & cool-down May 04, 2022

Whether you're thinking about taking up running for the first time, or you're a seasoned regular, there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to heading out for a run.

Some things might seem obvious, but others we only learn through experience.

I am writing this series of articles...

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