Let's Talk Running
Do you even get pain in your toes when running? Or do your toenails ever go black and/or fall off because of your running? If you experience any of these then this video will provide a way of preventing the problems that you may not yet have tried.
The blackness of your...
- Do you find yourself having goals or objectives but never actually achieving them?
- Do you find yourself drifting off track and not really knowing why?
- If you're not moving (however slowly) in the direction of your goals then you can be sure that you are self-sabotaging in some...
- Getting good quality sleep is fundamental to your ability to recover from exercise. You can't expect your body to be at it's best if you don't!
- Great sleep starts with a great morning routine - see How To Get Better Quality Sleep (Part 1 of 3)
- A pre-sleep routine can get you...
- How can a pre-sleep routine help you to get better quality sleep?
- How working to improve your sleep along a scale of "worse" to "better" is all you need - you don't need to fix everything now!
- 11 suggestions for an effective pre-sleep routine
- Check out our Running Coaching Programs in...
- What does getting "better quality sleep" really mean?
- The path to great quality sleep starts in the morning (strange, eh!?)
- 4 steps to an effective morning routine
- Check out our Running Coaching Programs in our Online Store
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- Sleep is THE most important part of our body's recovery process and a lack of good quality sleep could be ruining your running training and performance
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- Motivation is a key part of Pillar #7 (Mindset) of the BE Fit Coach 7 Core Pillars of Running
- We can motivated both towards, and away from things
- Motivation to get out running is the primary focus of this episode but we also touch on motivation (to continue) whilst out...
Knowing what to eat and drink before a run can be a concern for some runners. Some of the typical questions I get from running clients are:
- Should I eat to have energy for a run, or is it better to run “fasted”?
- Could eating before a run give me a stitch?
- What’s best for...
Going out running can be scary enough, especially when you are first starting out, but it can also be a worrying experience for even the more experienced runner.
I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about people getting lost when they’ve taken a wrong turn or have had an accident...
In my previous blog post (5 Common Problems You Can Avoid Using Your Pre-Run Checklist), I talked about what you can do as part of your pre-run checklist to avoid hitting upon some of the common problems that I have experienced over my years of running. There was one embarrassing item I left off...
Hey fellow runners , in last week's "Let's Talk Running" blog post I talked about how your pre-run checklist should start with proper "Planning and Preparation" (if you haven't already seen it, you can find it <<here>>. This week, I am going to continue that discussion by moving...
Last week, I introduced the Top Tips for Runners (TTfR) Series with an infographic showing the main topic areas that I will be covering in the weeks/months ahead. If you haven't seen it. you can check out the blog post here>> ...