Let's Talk Running

10 Problems That Feel Like a Stitch But Aren’t beginners improving nutrition performance post-run problems top tips training Sep 28, 2022


It's all too easy to misinterpret abdominal pain when running as being the dreaded stitch but there are a number of other problems that can feel like a stitch.


  • The stitch runners can experience when running does not yet have a conclusive explanation (in last week's blog, we...
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How to confidently use your Garmin to track running sessions (even if you hate technology) beginners coaching improving performance post-run tech training Sep 14, 2022


Runners often don’t take advantage of the tech they are carrying with them, which makes managing and tracking their sessions, particularly interval sessions, more difficult than they need to be.  You already have to focus on your running, breathing, maintaining form, etc;...

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WARNING: Here’s What Every Runner Needs To Know Before Using R.I.C.E. To Treat Injuries! beginners coaching improving mobility nutrition performance post-run problems rest & recovery top tips training Sep 07, 2022


If you've ever experienced a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain, strain, or a pull; you have probably been advised to follow the R.I.C.E. protocol. Or at least, the "I" component of that, which stands for Ice, i.e. to put ice on the affected areas as soon as possible and at regular...

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How Do You Know Your Coaching Program Is Working? beginners coaching improving performance top tips training Aug 24, 2022


You make a decision to improve your running and pay for a program, or for coaching, but how do you know it's working?  How do you know it was worth the investment in time, effort and money?

Most people will follow a plan and then check at the end if it's made a difference by...

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How to Stop Your Toenails Going Black When Running beginners improving performance pre-run problems running shoes technique top tips training Aug 17, 2022


Do you even get pain in your toes when running?  Or do your toenails ever go black and/or fall off because of your running?  If you experience any of these then this video will provide a way of preventing the problems that you may not yet have tried.

The blackness of your...

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6 Great Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Easy Runs beginners coaching improving mental prep performance rest & recovery technique top tips training Aug 10, 2022


Easy runs are an important part of your running training and should not be underestimated.  They provide a number of benefits that I outline in this week's video.  The 6 key areas covered are summarised below.  Easy runs help to:

  1. Build Injury Resistance - spend time...
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Runners, how do you push your body when your mind says "NO!"? coaching improving mental prep performance top tips training Aug 03, 2022


  • Most runners will experience a mental block on their "real" capabilities (and it's not just runners that do this, everyone does)
  • How do you learn to push through that mental block and shift your mindset?
  • You train your body hard, so why not do the same for your mind?
  • Breaking through...
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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Running? beginners coaching improving mental prep performance pre-run training Jul 20, 2022


  • Do you find yourself having goals or objectives but never actually achieving them?
  • Do you find yourself drifting off track and not really knowing why?
  • If you're not moving (however slowly) in the direction of your goals then you can be sure that you are self-sabotaging in some...
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Run Fuelled Or Fasted? beginners coaching improving nutrition performance pre-run top tips training Jun 08, 2022

Knowing what to eat and drink before a run can be a concern for some runners.  Some of the typical questions I get from running clients are:

  • Should I eat to have energy for a run, or is it better to run “fasted”?
  • Could eating before a run give me a stitch?
  • What’s best for...
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Be safe! Looking after your personal safety whilst out running beginners coaching mental prep pre-run problems tech top tips training Jun 01, 2022

Going out running can be scary enough, especially when you are first starting out, but it can also be a worrying experience for even the more experienced runner.

I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about people getting lost when they’ve taken a wrong turn or have had an accident...

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Oh Sh*t! What Happens If You REALLY Need To Go Poop? beginners coaching nutrition performance pre-run problems top tips training May 25, 2022

In my previous blog post (5 Common Problems You Can Avoid Using Your Pre-Run Checklist), I talked about what you can do as part of your pre-run checklist to avoid hitting upon some of the common problems that I have experienced over my years of running. There was one embarrassing item I left off...

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What's On Your Pre-Run Checklist? How To Plan & Prepare [TTfR Series] beginners coaching mental prep performance pre-run tech top tips training May 11, 2022

Last week, I introduced the Top Tips for Runners (TTfR) Series with an infographic showing the main topic areas that I will be covering in the weeks/months ahead.  If you haven't seen it. you can check out the blog post here>> ...

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